Scientific & Medical Events: World Psoriasis Day 2022
October 29 is World Psoriasis Day. The theme of World Psoriasis Day 2022 is Mental Health. United, we unload the burden of psoriatic disease.
Since the first World Psoriasis Day, we have won many great victories for our psoriatic disease community. Still, people with psoriatic disease continue to face many unmet needs. United, we seize the opportunity of World Psoriasis Day to take action.
Each year, the global community unites to raise awareness and call for action in support of people with living with psoriatic disease. World Psoriasis Day has been celebrated on October 29th for more than a decade. Today, World Psoriasis Day is observed in over 50 countries.
Mental health is increasingly being recognized as a significant part of living with psoriatic disease. Indeed, a quarter of people living with psoriatic disease exhibit signs of depression, and as many as 48% have anxiety disorders. This is both a physical symptom of the inflammation that causes psoriatic disease, and a result of the day-to-day difficulties of living with the disease.
By unpacking the causes of mental health complications, we can start to find solutions. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. Whether you choose to ease your own burden, help a friend, or even advocate for everyone in your country, you can take steps today to improve wellbeing for someone living with psoriatic disease.
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Associate Professor, MD-PhD at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy,
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
National Representative of the Skin Inflammation & Psoriasis International Network, France
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