A apărut nr. 1 din acest an al revistei “The Moldovan Medical Journal”.

În cadrul acestuia, pag. 49-54, este publicat articolul “Managementul serviciilor de medicină estetică în Republica Moldova”, varianta în limba engleză.

Iată rezumatul lucrării:

Management of the aesthetic medicine services in the Republic of Moldova

  • Background: In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in aesthetic medicine. Minor-invasive or injectable procedures, as well as laser therapy have become extremely successful. In case of any inherited or acquired, real or imaginary deformities, the invasive interventions viz. plastics and / or reconstruction are the most commonly addressed to. The aesthetic medicine in our country does not have a certain status yet. This is due to the presence of some ambiguities in the existing legal framework, as well as myths of popular perceptions. In order to assess the cosmetic and aesthetic medicine services within the instances of the Republic of Moldova, the Ministry of Health approved the establishment of a Working Group. Furthermore, based on its expertise, an Action Plan has been approved, particularly for this sector of activity, followed by the Algorithm for differentiating professional competency within the above mentioned areas. Subsequently, there have been approved steps on the organization of compliance assessment regarding the professional skills of medical staff, who work in the fields of cosmetology and dermatology. As referring to the medical staff engaged in the field of aesthetic surgery, an effective mechanism for assessing the compliance of professional skills is still going to be developed in future.
  • Conclusions: Based on the above-mentioned, we consider it appropriate to carry out a research for assessing the aesthetic medicine in the Republic of Moldova. The improvement and strengthening of management capabilities will further enhance the quality of medical services within these two related areas: mini-invasive aesthetic medicine (dermatology and cosmetology) and invasive aesthetic medicine (aesthetic surgery).
  • Key words: dermatology, cosmetology, surgery, aesthetic medicine, management.

For read the full text click here: The Moldovan Medical Journal, February 2018, Vol. 61, No 1

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